The final run for 2024. We had a great time

Santa will be stopping for a while where his face is. He will also pause for a while by the shops at the start of the run . So ,hopefully, you will be able to catch him!

6th March 2024
I had a visit from St John Ambulance - Hereford & Worcester this morning. No I hadn't done myself a mischief they just came to collect a cheque from Lion Dave Sherwen from the Santa Sleigh money. They have supported the sleigh for many years and have a lot of young members learning great life skills

27th February 2024
Lion Andy and I paid a visit to Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust this morning to present a cheque to this great group of people. The money will help with their family support work
27th February 2024
Lion Andy visited Kazoku-Kan Judo Club yesterday evening to present a cheque for £150. Happily they didn't throw him out but gave him a very warm welcome

27th February 2024
Lions Dave Sherwen, Phil Wallis and I paid a visit to Droitwich Rugby Club yesterday to present a cheque for £400 from the Christmas sleigh. There are an ever increasing number of youngsters at the club including a thriving girls section

27th February 2024
Lion Andy also popped into Droitwich CVS to present a cheque for £400 which will be used to fund a trip to Weston Super Mare later in the year

26th February
A visit to Worcester Snoezelen with Lion Andy Best to present a cheque from the sleigh proceeds. Always a pleasure to come to this wonderful place.
20th February 2024
Two more cheque presentations of money from the Sleigh. Westlands First school who will be putting the money towards a quiet reading zone where parents will be able to read to their children and Spectrum Days who will use the money to help convert an old storeroom into a much needed bathroom

18th January 2024
Presentation of the first cheque from the proceeds of the Christmas Sleigh.
Droitwich Spa Cricket club has a thriving youth section and this will go towards equipment for the future Ben Stokes and Jimmy Andersons!
For complete information on all the routes for this year please visit out Sleigh Facebook page

Two visits today to Westlands Community centre to give cheques to two splendid organisations there who are working hard for the people of the area. Firstly we went to meet up with Moving forwards on Westland who plan to use the money to help buy stuff for the community pantry and then this evening we met up with DAFFYS ...Droitwich Action for future youth. Their use of the money will also be food related where they will use it to fund teaching young people cooking skills which also has the added incentive that they get to eat the dishes they create and learn skills that will serve them for a lifetime. These donations are possible because of the generosity of Droitwich people when we were out and about with Santa's sleigh.

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of the people of Droitwich we have been able to present some more cheques to great organisations and causes..
Worcester Snoezelen and Fort Royal School, who although based in Worcester cover our town. Worcestershire young Carers and Droitwich Lido Tennis.

Another couple of cheque presentations from the Sleigh funds. St John Ambulance and Kazoo Kan Judo Club. Luckily we weren't thrown around by the former so didn't need any attention from the latter

We are now starting to distribute the money raised from the Sleigh. It is thanks to the generosity of Droitwich people that we are able to do this. These presentations are to St Nics to pay for a football table, Droitwich Spa Cricket club and Droitwich Rugby club to pay for much needed equipment and Droitwich Baptist Church. More to follow