Well this is starting at the end. You get certified!
As you can probably see it is a fairly informal process so there are no weird initiation ceremonies involved.
They are all still smiling even though they now have to start paying to be a member. We all have to pay because Lions is self financing. Currently the cost of membership is £6 per month. 
This means all the money we raise goes to good causes. 

There are no specific requirements to joining other than being an adult 
The link above will tell you a lot about Lions as an organisation that is worldwide and about what we do and why people joined
But for most of us it is more about our local area and giving a bit of our time to help others. How much time is up to you. 
You will get some idea about us from wandering through this website but there is no substitute for meeting people and getting involved.
Here are some suggestions
1. We run a monthly book sale at the Baptist Church on the first Saturday of every month (8.00am -12.00) . So why not pop in and have a chat? You can buy a book for only 50p and we have jigsaw puzzles, CDs, DVDs and Bric a brac. If you want you can even give a hand filling up the boxes or loading up at the end to take all the stuff back to the garages it came from ( Mine and Lion Phil's primarily )
2. We run the sleigh that goes around the streets of Droitwich and we can always use some volunteers to help. For more information visit the Sleigh Facebook page
3. We have a business meeting on the second Monday of the month at the Old Cock in Friar Street. It starts and 7.30 pm and we are a very informal bunch so don't hesitate to get involved and ask if you don't know what the heck we are on about. 
In case you were wondering who writes all the stuff on this website; well most off it is down to me. I'm the short fat one on the left and I am one of the original members of the club so I have been a Lion for nearly 40 years.
2025 will be our 40th birthday.
You could be part of our next 40 years
There are lots of groups in Droitwich doing all sorts of amazing things.
If you think Lions might be the one for you then  we like you to come to  three business meetings,  get involved with a social, and/or one of our events like the book sale or the Sleigh.
This will give you the chance to get to know us and to see whether Lions is for you. It works the other way too it also gives us the chance to get to know you.
Membership is by invitation but if you feel it is for you it is very unlikely that we will disagree. 
Here is a video which tells you more about us put together by Lion Dave Cryer 
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